TrademarkNow is Launching a Free Search

Usually things just get more expensive over time, so it’s always great news when something comes down in price. That’s especially true with something as notoriously expensive as trademark searching. So, we were tickled to find out that our search provider, TrademarkNow, is going to be offering a free search!

TrademarkNow LogoTrademark searching is the most vital part of the trademark process. Not properly clearing your trademark can land you in some legal hot water. That means that every business needs to do a trademark search, even if you don’t want to register your trademark. You should do an initial “knockout” search (a search that looks for identical, registered trademarks) for each potential trademark. Then, you should do a comprehensive search for your top three or so trademarks.

We’ve been using TrademarkNow for most of our comprehensive searches since we started the firm. Their algorithm gives fast, accurate results bundled in a useful and attractive report. It appears the free search will be a scaled-down version of their paid product, which will be great for doing knockout searches during your initial clearing of potential trademarks.

The first version of the free search is launching soon. If you are interested in being one of the first to try out the free search, you can sign up on TrademarkNow’s website.

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