Navigating the Olympic Brand: What Businesses Need to Know

A few days ago, we mentioned the ongoing dispute between the U.S. Olympic Committee and Logan Paul. But what if your business wants to align with the Olympics without the threat of litigation? We’ve got you covered. There are some key things you need to know.

Using the Olympic Brand: The Basics

So, you might be thinking, “How can my business be a part of the Olympic magic?” Well, it’s not as simple as slapping the rings on your products. The IOC has strict guidelines to protect its brand and ensure it’s used appropriately.

  1. Official Licensing: To use any Olympic branding, you must enter into a licensing agreement with the IOC. This means adhering to their detailed guidelines to ensure consistency and quality​.
  1. Respect Brand Integrity: You can’t just tweak the colors or fonts to fit your style. The IOC’s brand guidelines cover everything from the exact shades of the Olympic colors to specific typefaces like Olympic Sans and Olympic Headline​.
  1. Quality and Authenticity: The IOC is serious about maintaining the quality of Olympic-branded products. They employ anti-counterfeiting measures and have stringent quality controls to protect the brand and ensure consumers are getting the real deal​.

Why Bother with Licensing?

You might wonder why it’s worth going through all this hassle. Well, aligning your business with the Olympic brand can provide a huge boost. It connects your products with the positive values of the Olympics—excellence, friendship, and respect. Plus, it gives your brand global visibility.

Licensing also opens up opportunities to be part of official Olympic merchandise collections, like the Olympic Heritage Collection or the Olympic Games Collection. These collections include everything from apparel to sports equipment, giving fans a tangible connection to the Olympic Games​.

Pro Tips for Using Olympic Branding

  1. Do Your Homework: Before applying for a license, make sure you understand all the IOC’s guidelines and requirements. It’s a detailed process, but it’s essential for protecting both your brand and theirs.
  1. Think Long-Term: The Olympic brand is timeless, but trends change. Ensure your product designs can stand the test of time and resonate with the Olympic spirit.
  1. Collaborate Creatively: Work closely with the IOC’s design teams to create products that not only meet their standards but also add something new and exciting to the Olympic story.
  1. Stay Authentic: Consumers can spot inauthenticity from a mile away. Make sure your products genuinely reflect the values and spirit of the Olympics.

The Olympic brand is a powerhouse, and with the right approach, your business can tap into its global appeal. Just remember, it’s all about respecting the brand’s integrity and working within the IOC’s guidelines. For more detailed information, you can check out the IOC’s official page on Olympic Properties and this insightful article from the World Intellectual Property Organization.

So, if you’re ready to go for gold with your branding, make sure you’re playing by the rules—and then enjoy the incredible opportunities that come with being part of the Olympic legacy!
