I Triple Dog Dare You to Read This Post

In the pantheon of Christmas movies, A Christmas Story ranks at the top for me.

It’s partly because of volume. Thanks to the various marathons on TNT and TBS, I’ve seen it at least a hundred times.

It’s partly because of the feels. Hilarious, nostalgic, sweet. Who doesn’t get a little misty when Ralphie’s dad points out one last undiscovered Christmas present, a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model Air Rifle?

And it’s partly because Ralphie’s little brother and I share the same name:

We’ve leaned hard into A Christmas Story with our decorating:

“Fra-gee-lay… must be Italian!”
“He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny.”

Given the film’s iconic status, it should come as no surprise that Turner Entertainment is committed to protecting its trademark rights. It owns several A CHRISTMAS STORY trademark registrations:

By safeguarding the brand with trademark registrations, Turner Entertainment ensures this holiday classic remains as iconic as a leg lamp.
