Talking Turkey Trademarks

Gobble, gobble. Thanksgiving is almost here. My Thanksgiving routine has evolved over the years. I stay in Nashville instead of hitting the road. I smoke the turkey instead of roasting it. I walk the turkey trot (aka the Boulevard Bolt) instead of running it. However, some things never change. And watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day […]
Dolly Parton: Working 9 to 5 to Protect Her Trademarks

Is there a more beloved person in the music industry than Dolly Parton? I can’t think of one. I met her once, and she is every bit of lovely as you would expect. She even complimented my wife’s shoes. So it’s hard to believe that anyone would try to profit off her good name. But […]
Clowning Around With Trademarks

When people think of trademarks, they often think of the usual source identifiers: brand names, product names, logos, and taglines. However, lots of other things can function as trademarks too. Take, for example, the famous fast-food clown, Ronald McDonald: The rock band Kiss created trademarks out of their make-up: The pro wrestler Sting followed suit […]
Viva Nashvegas! Nelly’s Trademark Bid Blocked by the USPTO

Nashvegas. That’s where I live. You might know it by its real name, Nashville. I’ve had the following conversation many times while traveling: Person: “Where are you from?” Me: “Nashville.” Person: “Oooooh. Nashvegas! I was just there for a bachelorette party!” Anyway, I was scrolling through a docket report when I came across an appeal […]
McDonald’s Special Sauce: Defending the McBrand

McDonald’s has been in the news lately for all the wrong reasons. Being dragged into a presidential election controversy and having an E. coli outbreak in the same week will do that to a company. However, it will undoubtedly weather the storm because of the popularity of its registered trademarks, I mean, food: Mark Goods/Services […]
Protecting the Monsterverse, One Trademark at a Time

Costumed characters are one of the hallmarks of any theme park experience. At the Disney parks, you can meet Mickey, Minnie, and a small army of princesses. And Universal has Minions, Simpsons, and its classic movie monsters: Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Mummy, and the Wolf Man. Universal’s monsters are so iconic […]
I Feel the Need, the Need for Trademarks

Federal trademark registrations can appear in strange places, like 30,000 feet in the air going 600 miles per hour. Aircraft need protection from trademark infringement just like consumer goods. The most common fighter jets used by the U.S. military today are protected by federal trademark registrations: Mark Status Goods Owner F/A-18E US Reg. No. 2201081 […]
Vanderbilt Shocks the College Football World (and the Trademarks Behind It)

I’ve been a Vanderbilt football fan since arriving on campus as a freshman in 1994. Over the years, I’ve sat through many beatings at the hands of our SEC rivals, especially the University of Alabama. Until recently, the most memorable “highlight” from these games was Bill Marinangel’s epic fake punt in 1996: Of course, we […]
Nashville’s Private School Trademark Rankings: Who Comes Out on Top?

Branding is not just important for businesses. It matters for schools too. Here in Nashville, the branding for the various private schools is distinct and recognizable. From logos to mottos, these schools use their brands to communicate their values and culture. Trademarks are an essential part of this branding. If a brand is like someone’s […]
Castrating Pincers? There’s an ID for That!

One of the misconceptions about trademark applications is that you protect the name only. However, you’re also required to specify the goods/services that will be sold/provided under the mark. Broad descriptions like “lifestyle accessories” are not acceptable. Instead, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office requires applicants to be specific. To assist with this process, the […]