Update- Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Wins Trademark Dispute
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how Sturgis Motorcycle Rally had sued Walmart and Rushmore Photo and Gifts for use of the “Sturgis” trademark. I also pointed out that I seemed to be writing a lot about motorcycle clubs and trademarks. So, when I saw that a jury had reached a verdict in the case, […]
John Lewis Christmas Ad Gets Me Again

The leaves are falling. There’s a chill in the air. I’ve finished eating all my kids’ halloween candy. That can mean only one thing. It’s almost Christmas! It also means it’s time for the 2015 John Lewis Christmas commercial! I’m talking about John Lewis, the upscale department store chain in Great Britain (I’m not sure if […]
Sons of Trademarchy
It is now an undisputed fact that bikers love trademarks. I have twice written about the intersection between outlaw motorcycle clubs and trademark law. First, I wrote about how many of these clubs own and litigate federally registered trademarks. The following week, I wrote about how the feds are trying to use trademarks to stop outlaw […]
New Book Offers Deep Dive into Logo Design
Trademarks are a pretty rich subject. Proof: A Slate magazine article reports that famous graphic designer Jens Müller is releasing a book that traces the roots of modernist design influences on corporate logos. The book, Logo Modernism, includes a history of corporate logos and other logo-related essays. The main feature of the book is a beautiful catalogue […]
Nashville Gets Outdoor Ice Rink for 2016 NHL All-Star Game
The NHL season is well underway and our hometown team, the Nashville Predators, have started the season 2-0. Nashville may be a Southern city known for Southern things like biscuits and country music, but we have one thing in common with those yankees up north. This town is hockey crazy. I believe this is not only the result […]
Don’t Play with Fireball
If you are from the South and ever leave your house, you’ve heard of Fireball. Fireball is a cinnamon flavored whiskey distilled by Sazerac. In addition to being a great drink to sneak into football games on cool, fall days, it’s also replaced Jägermeister as the go-to drink for your buddy who buys everyone shots when everyone’s already had […]
Trust Tree® Registered on my Anniversary
What a great day! Today, we were granted a federal trademark registration for Trust Tree®! The trademark registration is for the “word mark” TRUST TREE, which protects the words without any limitation on the particular font, style, size, or color. Because word marks offer the broadest protection for trademarks, we always recommend pursuing a registration for a word […]
Boom Beach Logo Lesson
Our director of Accounting and Finance, George, recently got me into a mobile game called “Boom Beach.” Boom Beach is a combat strategy game set in fictional tropical islands. In the game, you build and develop your island base with troops, ships, defenses and other resources. You can attack evil “Blackguard” bases or other players near you. You […]
Trademarks are Perceived Just Like Human Faces
Obviously, we believe that selecting a great trademark is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Now, that belief is backed by science. A new study by the Institute for Experimental Business Psychology at Leuphana University of Lueneburg (which, incidentally, is the lab that created our Director of Finance and Accounting, George Lifsey) […]
Grocer ordered to pay M****** J***** $8.9 million for use of brand
Is there any more powerful brand than that of world’s-greatest-basketball-player-ever, M****** J*****? His uniform style saved the world from NBA short-shorts. People have killed for shoes with his name on them. Although he hasn’t played basketball since 1998, he made more than $100 million in 2014 for the use of his brand. And on Friday, a jury awarded M****** […]