Happy 100th Birthday, Coke Bottle!

This year marks the 100 year anniversary of the most famous packaging design of all time: the Coca-Cola bottle. In honor of the event, Robert Klara over at AdWeek has an excellent article on the history of the Coke bottle. According to the article, the iconic design was selected from attempts from ten glass companies to […]

Lego People are Trademarks Too

Everything is awesome at Lego today. The General Court of the European Union has upheld Lego’s trademark on the design of the little people that come with their brick sets. The trademark was being challenged by Lego competitor Best-Lock (the real news here is that there are Lego competitors). The court found that the holes in the feet […]

Outlaw Trademark Issues

Last week, I wrote about how despite their less-than-savory reputations, outlaw motorcycle clubs are excellent role models when it comes to trademark strategy. It’s not surprising that trademarks are critical to these groups. The central purpose of belonging to an outlaw motorcycle club is the affiliation with the group as a whole. The trademarks of […]

Motorcycle Gangs Hate Each Other, but Love Trademarks

The recent tiff between rival outlaw motorcycle clubs in and outside a Waco, Texas restaurant has brought biker culture to the forefront of the news cycle. Although it’s clear that these “one percenter” clubs may strongly disagree on control of territories, criminal activities, and codes of conduct, there is one thing nearly all the outlaw […]

Trump Intends to Make America Great Again

The Daily Mail is reporting that Donald Trump has asserted trademark rights in the phrase “Make America Great Again” against fellow Republican Ted Cruz. According to the article, Cruz has agreed to not use the phrase. Trump told the Daily Mail that slogan “is my whole theme.” But here’s the thing: Trump does not have a […]