Goods and Services ID Manual

The USPTO’s online Goods and Services ID Manual is a database of the acceptable goods and services for TEAS+ applications. You need to use one of these listings in order to get the lower filing fees of a TEAS+ application.

Trademark Status Document Retrieval (TSDR)

The USPTO’s Trademark Status Document Retrieval (TSDR) is an online database of the status and documents related to a trademark. It’s a great way to check the status of your application or registration. To use it, you just type in the serial number or registration number of the trademark you want information for. If you […]

Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), is a searchable, online database of all trademarks and trademark applications at the USPTO. While it can be extremely useful, it can be a bit of trap. Unless you use the USPTO’s search protocol, it will only return direct hits. This means that if you just type in a […]

Trademark Manual of Examining Procedures (TMEP)

The Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) is the handbook that Examining Attorneys use to evaluate trademarks. It’s super long, but contains everything you need to know about securing a federal trademark. Because it cites statutes, regulations, and relevant case law for each point, it is a great place to start for crafting arguments against […]

Why you should care about trademarks

Why would a person go through the trouble of learning about trademarks? Because you really don’t have a choice. Your business needs to have a name. Once you start selling anything under any name or symbol you have a trademark. So if you own a business, you’re basically stuck with trademarks. Here is the “official” […]

Office Action Response Guide

A few months ago you filed your own trademark application, like a boss. Everything was going great until you got a “Courtesy” notice from the USPTO telling you that an “Office Action” has been issued. You clicked on all the links and found that an attorney at the USPTO refused to register your trademark application […]

Why did we make this guide?

We are trademark lawyers. A good portion of the time when clients come to us, they have already picked out a name for their business. They’ve spent a ton of time coming up with a name for their new business or product. They fall in love with one particular name. They go to Legal Zoom […]