TrademarkNow is Launching a Free Search
Usually things just get more expensive over time, so it’s always great news when something comes down in price. That’s especially true with something as
Usually things just get more expensive over time, so it’s always great news when something comes down in price. That’s especially true with something as
“It’s football time in Tennessee.” The famous words of Vol legend John Ward have been in my head all week. The “Voice of the Vols”
It doesn’t happen very often, but a judge has awarded attorneys’ fees in a trademark case. For years now, San Diego Comic Con has been
As Trust Tree’s resident bourbon expert* (sorry Bill & G) and Guns N’ Roses fan, I must uncork a post about the trademark dispute between
In July, Cardi B and Offset introduced their daughter Kulture Kiara Cephus to the world. In August, a company registered to Offset filed an application
As a trademark owner, you need to enforce your rights or you could potentially lose them, but sending out trademark cease and desist letters can
Horn-tooting time! In a recent interview with The Tennessee Bar Journal, Trust Tree President Kevin Hartley reveals the secrets to the firm’s success. In the
Nashville-based trademark law firm, Trust Tree Legal, P.C., has launched a new website, totally rebranded with images of puppies. The website, which launched in mid-November, isn’t
Today, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ended Empire record label’s trademark infringement lawsuit against 20th Century Fox Television over the name of the television
AM General, has sued Activision Blizzard Inc., the maker of the popular video game “Call of Duty” for trademark infringement for using images of its Humvee military
Trust Tree Legal, P.C.
Mailing address:
798 Berry Road #41400
Nashville, TN 37204
Meetings by appointment only.
Attorney advertising.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.